Indigo237 - CONDO New York, 2018


Carlos/Ishikawa is proud to present, Indigo237, a solo exhibition by Rose Salane. This exhibition comes as the first iteration of an ongoing dialogue between Rose Salane and Deborah Rodi. The objects and images included were collected by Deb from 1981 through 1993 — years she spent working at Windows on the World, the restaurant formerly located on the 107th floor of the World Trade Center North Tower.
The show is structured using a series of five texts written by the artist in consultation with Deb. Formatted as news clippings, the works follow a chronology and build out their respective narratives as collaged translations of her offered testimonies. Each article is anchored by an artifact as sound bite—the pairings reflect Deb’s typical day-to-day within the work environment at Windows. Days that would include swaying hanging plants and moving toilet water due to the wind’s effects on the towers at such high altitudes. The disappearance of co-workers in the unaddressed internal war of AIDS becomes more frequent as the 80s proceed. Appearances by well-known figures, such as Nancy Reagan speaking on behalf of her “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign, as well as run-ins with Grace Kelly and Andy Warhol, leading up to the 1993 bombing in the basement of the North Tower, shape Deb’s 12 years at Windows on the World.

Press Release (PDF)

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145 Elizabeth Street
New York, New York 10012

Upcoming: Colette Lumiere titled
'Everything She Touches Turns Gold'.

Hours: Tue–Sat, 12–6pm
Company is wheelchair accessible.


Mailing Address:
356 Broome Street
New York, New York 10013

[email protected]
+1 646 756 4547
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